Medical emergencies can happen in a blink of an eye. It may happen to someone you love, a friend, or a complete stranger. Applying for first aid as quickly as possible gives the best survival rate possible. Someone can be choking, having a seizure, or going into cardiac arrest, and you have the potential to save their life with simple techniques and training. Being prepared for an emergency never hurt anyone, it only benefited them.
Administering CPR to an individual who is not breathing can save their life. Their heart has stopped pumping which means oxygen-rich blood is not being distributed throughout their body. The longer someone has to wait to get CPR, the less likely they are to survive. CPR is a simple, yet effective method for keeping their heart pumping until paramedics can arrive. Anyone can learn it and we always recommend that everyone does because you can save a life with it. We offer both adult and child CPR instruction programs. Classes only take a few hours of your time, and your certification lasts for two years.
AED stands for automatic external defibrillator. It is used to send an electrical charge to a person’s heart in an attempt to get it to function normally. It is not to be used for heart attack, but it should be used during a cardiac arrest. The AED is only used when the individual’s heart is pumping. Learning to use an AED is another simple way to potentially save the life of someone. You can count on us for AED training.
Being safe at work is the right of every employee. While on the job, you may interact with coworkers, customers, and vendors regularly. You do not know when someone you are around might experience a medical emergency where basic safety training can save their life. Paying for your employees to get safety training will also boost their morale because they know that you care about them and their health. Our training courses will ensure employee safety for businesses in San Angelo, TX.
SAV.A.LIFE Skills Training Center is a first aid training service for the San Angelo, TX area. Being properly trained to administer CPR or use an AED can be life-saving to an individual experiencing a medical emergency. Our training center provides training courses and certifications for CPR, AED, and basic life support. Contact us today to learn more about child CPR instruction and our other training programs!
SAV-A-LIFE Skills Training Center
Dr. Joyce Gray, EdD Adult Education
2141 Office Park Dr #6, San Angelo, TX 76904 |